Applications for the 2025-26 School Year are available Now


| Grade 12

“One of the best parts about LJCDS is the ability to try something new. And when you take that risk, you find yourself thriving, learning and making connections you never could have imagined.”


Visual Arts. I took photography as my art elective. I’ve learned how to use Photoshop and about finding new angles within your frame and looking at your own photography from a different lens.


Science. LJCDS offers neuroscience—which no other school does. I wanted to take neuroscience because I have an older brother with autism and a younger sister with learning disabilities. I’ve always wondered what made their brains different. I’m really enjoying this course.


Design and Innovation. My favorite class is Design and Innovation. I personally enjoy the free-flowing creativity and the combination of art, design, and innovation. I’m so invested in learning about every tool and material in the room: 3D printer, laser cutter, milling machine, plus making stickers and buttons, and learning to sew.


Service-Learning. I serve on the Community Service Board. We do a lot of fundraising and organize volunteers. The field hockey team just did a fundraiser for leukemia; volleyball did Dig for the Cure for breast cancer. We also have the Giving Tree every year. I really like volunteering and finding different organizations we can help.


Flex. My brother has autism, so I created a club called Sib Strong, which is for students who have siblings with disabilities. Though the group is small, we find it beneficial to learn from and lean on each other.

After School

Mock Trial. I’ve been part of the Mock Trial team for two years. It’s a ton of work and also a lot of fun. Our team placed in the top 10 in this year’s competition, and I was named as an outstanding prosecution witness.

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