Applications for the 2025-26 School Year are available Now


| Grade 11

“What makes LJCDS great is all the different people I’m able to interact with every day. The laughs and giggles that accompany each conversation encourage me to talk to more people.”


Music. I play trumpet in the concert band. The people there are hilarious to be around. It’s a chance to get away from the stress that school can bring. Last year, I got to play in the orchestra for “Chicago The Musical.” It was great to be able to contribute to such an amazing show.


Biology. My favorite class is biology. In lab, we did an experiment on cellular respiration, which we studied—and now got to see in action. We put beads into vials of water and potassium hydroxide and then pumped in oxygen to see how much they would absorb. When the beads absorb oxygen, they expel carbon dioxide, which solidifies the potassium hydroxide. It was pretty cool.


Flex. At Future Doctors and Scientists, we went over how to use a micropipette, which is the basis of all medical labs. We practiced adjusting the micropipette to a certain amount of volume, pushing the water out onto wax paper and then sucking it back up to put it back in the beaker.

After School

Football. I play football, which I really enjoy. It’s a community—coaches and peers—that’s filled with love for each other and the sport. I also like that I can still play in the band. My friend, Isaac, and I stash our instruments under the bench, and then we grab them and run over to march and play at halftime.

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